Terms and conditions

Users who use the Services offered by HASHTAG MILANO declare that they know and accept these general terms and conditions.

Owner of HASHTAG MILANO® and related Services
MDG sas
Viale Duca D'Aosta 19, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy
CF / VAT number: IT03036200123
Chamber of Commerce of Milan

Information on HASHTAG MILANO®
Hashtagmilano.com is the official website of MDG sas, a company whose object is the marketing of products for aesthetics and aesthetic medicine, footwear, accessories and clothing. Through the site, the User can search for information on the brand and purchase products online.

Content provided by the User
Users are responsible for their own and third-party content that they share on HASHTAG MILANO, by uploading them, inserting content or in any other way. Users release the Owner from any liability in relation to the unlawful dissemination of third party content or the use of HASHTAG MILANO, in ways that are contrary to the law. The Owner does not carry out any type of moderation of the content published by the User or by third parties, but undertakes to intervene in the face of reports from Users or orders given by public authorities in relation to content deemed offensive or illegal.

Rights on content provided by Users
The only rights granted to the Owner in relation to the content provided by Users are those necessary for the operation and maintenance of HASHTAG MILANO.

Content Provided by Third Parties
The Owner does not make any preventive moderation on the contents or links provided by third parties shown on HASHTAG MILANO. The Owner is not responsible for such contents and their accessibility.

In order to use the Service or part of it, Users must register by providing, in a truthful and complete manner, all the data requested in the relevant registration form and fully accept the Privacy Policy and these general conditions. The User has the duty to keep their login credentials.

Account cancellation and termination of User accounts
Registered Users can deactivate their accounts, request their cancellation or stop using the Service at any time, through the HASHTAG MILANO interface or by contacting the Owner directly. The Owner, in case of violation of these Terms, reserves the right to suspend or close the User's account at any time and without notice.

The Service is provided "as is"
The Service is provided by the Owner "as is", without any express or implied guarantee as to its accuracy or availability.

Interruption of the Service
The Owner reserves the right to add, remove features or features or suspend or completely interrupt the provision of the Service, both temporarily and permanently. In the event of a definitive interruption, the Data Controller will act as possible to allow Users to collect their information hosted by the Data Controller.

Resale of the Service
Users are not authorized to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or exploit any portion of HASHTAG MILANO and its Services without the express permission of the Owner, granted directly or through a specific resale program.

The User undertakes to indemnify the Data Controller (as well as any companies controlled or affiliated by the same, its representatives, administrators, agents, licensees, partners and employees), from any obligation or liability, including any legal costs incurred to defend themselves. in court, which should arise in the face of damages caused to other Users or third parties, in relation to the content uploaded online, to the violation of the terms of the law or the terms of these conditions of service.

Use not permitted
The Service must be used as established in the Terms.
Users cannot:

reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify or create derivative works based on HASHTAG MILANO or any portion of it; circumvent the computer systems used by HASHTAG MILANO or its licensors to protect the content accessible through it; copy, store, modify , change, prepare derivative works or alter in any way any of the content provided by HASHTAG MILANO; use any robot, spider, search application and / or site retrieval, or any other device, process or automatic means to access, retrieve, scrape or index any portion of HASHTAG MILANO or its contents; rent, license or sublicense HASHTAG MILANO; defame, offend, harass, engage in threatening practices, threaten or otherwise violate rights (such as the right to privacy and advertising) of others; disseminate or publish illegal, obscene, illegitimate, def familiar or inappropriate; use HASHTAG MILANO in any other improper way that violates these Terms.

Intellectual Property Rights
All trademarks of the Website, figurative or nominative, and all other signs, commercial names, service marks, word marks, commercial names, illustrations, images, logos and any intellectual property rights on the materials or contents presented as an integral part of the website relating to HASHTAG MILANO are and remain the exclusive property of the Owner or its licensors and are protected by the laws in force on trademarks and related international treaties.

The User may use this material only in the manner for which he will receive express authorization from the Owner or its licensors. This will not prevent the User from using this website to the extent necessary to copy information about your order or contact details.

Age requirements
Users declare to be of age according to the legislation applicable to them. Minors can use HASHTAG MILANO only with the assistance of a parent or guardian. Under no circumstances may children under 13 use HASHTAG MILANO.

Liability and Disclaimer
The Owner, within the limits of the applicable law, is liable for damages of a contractual and extra-contractual nature to Users or third parties only when these constitute an immediate and direct consequence, for willful misconduct or gross negligence, of the activity of HASHTAG MILANO.

Unless otherwise provided for in these Terms, the responsibility of the Owner for the products purchased on HASHTAG MILANO will be limited exclusively to the purchase price of the product in question. The User expressly exempts and relieves the Owner from any liability, within the limits permitted by applicable legislation, in relation to any damages or claims of any kind and kind of his own and / or third parties including direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special damages. , damages deriving from loss of profit, loss of business volume, loss of earnings or loss of contracts, loss of anticipated savings, loss of data, as well as waste of office administration time or replacement costs deriving from or otherwise connected with this agreement.

Due to the open nature of this website and the possibility that errors may occur in the storage and transmission of digital information, the Data Controller does not guarantee the accuracy and security of the information transmitted or obtained through this website, except where expressly established the contrary.

All product descriptions, information and materials appearing on the website are provided "as is" and without express or implied warranties, except those of the law. In this sense, if the User is contracting as a consumer, the Owner undertakes to deliver products that comply with the Contract, remaining responsible for the lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery. It is understood that the products comply with the Contract if (i) they comply with the description provided by the Owner and possess the qualities presented on this website, (ii) they are suitable for the use for which the products are normally intended, (iii) they show quality and characteristics which are normal in products of the same type and which can reasonably be expected. Within the limits established by law, the Owner excludes all guarantees, except for those that cannot be legitimately excluded from the User.

The owner's products have the natural characteristics of the materials used in the production. Slight variations in texture or color should not be construed as imperfections or defects. On the contrary, they are due to the use of natural raw materials must be expected and appreciated. The Owner selects products of the highest quality. That said, if the appearance of visibly abnormal colors is detected such as to suggest contamination of the product, and / or the appearance of bad smells and any other element that could lead to believe that the product has undergone alterations, it must lead to an immediate interruption in the use of the product. itself as well as being promptly reported to the Owner by providing evidence by sending photographic documentation.

These provisions do not in any way limit the rights recognized to consumers by current legislation or the user's rights to terminate the Agreement.

Changes to these Terms
We reserve the right to review and modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, by giving notice to the User by posting it within HASHTAG MILANO in the Terms and Conditions section.

The User will be subject to the Terms in force at the time of the order, unless a modification of the General Conditions or the Data Protection Policies must be made by law or at the request of a government authority (in which case it will apply also for orders already sent to the Owner). The User who continues to use HASHTAG MILANO after the publication of the changes accepts the new Terms without reservation.

Transfer of the contract
The Owner reserves the right to transfer, assign, arrange by novation or subcontract all or some of the rights or obligations deriving from the Terms, provided that the User's rights provided herein are not affected. The User may not assign or transfer in any way their rights or obligations under the Terms without the written authorization of the Owner.

Communications and notifications
All communications relating to HASHTAG MILANO must be sent using the contact information indicated in the Contract.

The applicable legislation provides that part of the information or communications that the Data Controller sends to the User must be in writing. By using this website, the User accepts that most of the communications exchanged with the Owner are in electronic format. The Owner will contact the User by email, or by providing him with information by preparing appropriate notices on this website. For contractual purposes, the User consents to this electronic means of communication acknowledging that all contracts, notices, information and other communications provided by the Data Controller electronically will comply with the legal requirement that provides for such communications in the written form. This provision does not in any way limit the rights recognized by current legislation.

All communications addressed to the Data Controller must be sent preferably by sending an email to info@hashtagmilano.com.

Communications will be considered as received and adequately notified respectively when posted on the Controller's website, 24 hours after sending an email, or three days after the date of shipment. To prove the notification of a communication, it will be sufficient to demonstrate, in the case of a letter, that it has been correctly addressed, stamped and delivered to the postal service and, in the case of an email, that it was sent to the email address of the Owner. .

Ineffectiveness and partial nullity
If any article of the Terms and Conditions, or part of it, or any of the provisions of the Agreement, should be judged invalid, unlawful or unenforceable by the competent authority, such article, clause or provision will be considered as not affixed while the other articles , clauses and provisions will remain valid and fully effective, to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Applicable law and competent court
These Terms and Conditions and all disputes regarding the execution, interpretation and validity of this contract are subject to the law, the jurisdiction of the State and the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of the place where the Owner is based. The exclusive forum of the consumer is an exception, if the law provides for it.

Online dispute resolution for consumers
The consumer resident in Europe must be aware of the fact that the European Commission has set up an online platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool.
This tool can be used by the European consumer to resolve in a non-judicial way any dispute relating to and / or deriving from contracts for the sale of goods and services stipulated online. Consequently, if the purchase between the two parties took place online through the website of the Data Controller, pursuant to Regulation No 524/2013 of the EU, the User has the right to request the Data Controller for an out-of-court solution to disputes relating to consumption accessible via the Internet address at the following link.

The Data Controller is available to answer any question sent by email to the email address published in this document.

Conciliatory procedure for resolving disputes with consumers
The Owner does not participate in conciliatory procedures for resolving disputes with the consumer User.


Purchase procedure
Each order sent constitutes an offer to purchase the products. Orders are subject to availability and the owner's discretionary acceptance. The User must select the products and check out, after having carefully checked and possibly modified the information contained in the order summary. The order is placed by confirming the order and is subject to payment of the price, taxes and shipping and payment costs indicated in the order summary form. Receipt of the Order Received confirmation email does not constitute acceptance of the order. The conclusion of the contract takes place at the time of sending the Order Shipped confirmation by the Owner to the email address provided by the User. The Owner reserves the right not to confirm an order by communicating to the User within 20 days of purchase, at the email address associated with his purchase, the possible unavailability of one or more of the products purchased. In this case, the Owner will refund the price and shipping costs incurred by the User, if any. Only the products indicated in the Order Confirmation will be the subject of the Contract. The Owner is under no obligation to provide the User with any other product that has not been ordered until it is confirmed in the Order Shipped confirmation email that this product has been shipped.

Availability of products
All product orders are subject to their availability. In this sense, in the event of supply problems, or if there are no items in stock, the Owner reserves the right to provide the User with information relating to replacement products of equal or higher quality and value, which he may decide to order. . If the User does not wish to place an order for these replacement products, we will refund any amounts already paid by him.
The prices, descriptions or availability of the products displayed are subject to change without notice. The photos inserted are indicative and do not constitute a guarantee of the quality of the products.

The Owner declines any responsibility towards him or towards third parties for the removal of any product from HASHTAG MILANO, for the elimination or modification of any material or content of HASHTAG MILANO.

Execution of the Order
The Order is executed within the terms specified in the summary page and in the Order Received email, subject to the availability of the ordered product.
The Owner cannot be held responsible for damages suffered by the User due to delays in delivery that are not dependent on circumstances foreseeable by the parties at the time of sending the Order Shipped confirmation.

Deliveries are made during normal working hours to the address indicated by the User and in the manner specified in the order summary.
Upon delivery, the User must check the content by specifying any anomalies in the delivery form. In case of failure to collect within the deadline set by the carrier, the products will be returned to the Owner, who will refund the price of the products but not the shipping cost. The Owner cannot be held responsible for errors in delivery due to inaccuracies or incompleteness in the compilation of the purchase order by the User, for any damage that may have occurred to the Products after delivery to the carrier or for delays in delivery to the latter. attributable.


Use and validity of a discount coupon
The Owner reserves the right to offer promotions to the User in the form of a discount coupon. To take advantage of this discount coupon, the User must enter it in the appropriate section during check out.
Discount vouchers cannot be combined and expire, each discount voucher has a different expiry date and terms of use. Discount vouchers may be subject to exhaustion or limited availability.

Promotion Invite Friends
The Owner provides the User with the possibility to accumulate credits to be used for the purchase of the products offered by HASHTAG MILANO, through the Invite Friends program.
The User registered on HASHTAG MILANO has the possibility to invite his friends directly from his profile in the appropriate section "Invite Friends". The User will receive 15 euros in credits for each invited friend who has purchased on HASHTAG MILANO. The User can check the total amount of credits on his profile on HASHTAG MILANO and benefit from credits on future purchases. The credits will directly deduct the total price on the user's future purchase.


Shipping methods and times
The Owner offers a standard shipping and express shipping service. Standard shipping provides for delivery within 5 working days while express shipping within 48 working hours from the communication of the Order Shipped, except in the cases of remote areas or disadvantaged areas for which delivery may be delayed. The purchase made by the User will be delivered to him at the address entered during check-out or at the place chosen by the user subsequently defined by the User and communicated to the courier to whom the Owner relied. This place can be represented by the domicile of a neighbor, by a courier's service point or by a storage point of the courier itself.

Shipping cost
Shipping is always free

Right of withdrawal

Right of withdrawal
Within HASHTAG MILANO, we guarantee our customers the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days without having to provide a specific reason. The withdrawal period expires 14 days after the day on which the User, or a third party designated by the User other than the carrier, acquires physical possession of the purchased goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the User must inform the Owner through an explicit declaration sent through the methods indicated by the Owner in these Terms and contacts (for example, by sending an email to info@hashtagmilano.com). In the email, the User must provide the order number, the name and code of the product(s) you wish to return, as well as any other information necessary for the Owner to process the return request and the return shipment.

Once the confirmation of approval of the return has been received from the Owner, the User must prepare the appropriate packaging, inserting the product/s inside the HASHTAG MILANO package and subsequently inside a suitable package to preserve its integrity . Finally, the User must seal the package and apply the waybill in the space provided.

It is important to note that the return shipping costs are always charged to the customer and will not be refunded.

Effects of withdrawal and refund
If the User decides to withdraw from the contract, he will be refunded the price paid for the products for which the right of withdrawal has been exercised within 5 working days of receiving the returned products at our operational headquarters. Refunds will be made using the same payment method used by the User for the initial transaction. Please note that no additional costs will be charged for the refund, with the exception of the expected shipping costs for the return of the product.

Restrictions on the right of withdrawal on products
In order to preserve the hygienic conditions and integrity of the products, we do not accept returns relating to cosmetic products if the primary packaging (i.e. the container that directly contains or encloses the products) is open, even only partially, or not properly sealed.

Please note that we will not replace or refund products that are damaged or used, even partially. Furthermore, the right of withdrawal does not apply to goods made to measure or clearly personalized, to perishable products, to sealed products that do not lend themselves to being returned for hygienic reasons and to products opened after delivery.

It is strongly recommended to insert the copy of the delivery document received inside the packing envelope.


The service offered by HASHTAG MILANO as described by these Terms and within HASHTAG MILANO.

The natural or legal person who uses the Service.

Terms and Conditions (or Terms, or Conditions)
These general conditions of service, which constitute a legally binding agreement between the User and the Owner.

Order Received
The email is the email that the owner sends upon receipt of the order.

Order Shipped
The email indicates the email that the Owner sends when the products are shipped confirming the shipment of all or part of the products purchased.

Owner of HASHTAG MILANO and related Services
MDG sasViale Duca D'Aosta 19, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy
CF / VAT number: IT0303620012
Chamber of Commerce of Milan